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The Alternative, a coffee substitute for those who have to or chosen to stop or limit drinking coffee. Tasting notes of tea, hot chocolate and coffee combine to form The Alternative. Our handcrafted blend of spices makes The Alternative sugar-free, plant-based and caffeine-free.  You can enjoy our brew throughout the day! 


Ingredients: organic maca powder, organic cacao powder, organic chicory root, wattleseed, liquprice root, organic cinnamon, fenugreek and nutmeg. 


Contains 120g - 20 serves. 


Blended and packed at Spice Oddity, 42 Smith St, Warragul. 



"I started my day with 2 cups of the alternative this morning! I liked it so much I needed another one straight after the first 🤭 it’s delicious! 🥰👌🏻" - Maddy


"I’m having a mug right now I love it, going to try swapping it out for my early morning coffee and see how I go!" - Olivia

The Alternative

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